Category Archives: Educational Material

Best Prices on Textbooks

textbooks expensive

It’s already a new school year with new courses and fresh or used new books. The high prices of buying a backpack full of The textbooks can do some serious damage to your wallet especially on a student’s budget.

textbook expensive professor

According to The College Board, students attending a four-year public college will spend over $1,000 a year on textbooks. The burden has become so great that many students choose to not even buy the books required for the courses they’re enrolled in. Some students end up downloading them online or making copies of friends books.

How to find the best prices on textbooks
The good news is that with a little research you can find a lot of books at much lower prices. Consumer Reports recommends students use price comparison sites to find better prices on textbooks for this school year. These tools are basically like Kayak for textbooks. Sorry, it’s not Uber. We know everyone loves an Uber comparison. They do the searching for you and aggregate prices from all the major sellers on new, used, rented or even e-textbooks.

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